501c3 Nonprofit Organization
About Us
Northwest Pines Farm is a Farm Animal Sanctuary.
Northwest Pines Farm is a safe place to land for farm animals that no longer have a home, were no longer wanted, or have been sent to auction due to their older age.
Here at NWP, we give them a forever home filled with unconditional love, thus giving them a life they have likely never known. For some animals the transition from their past life to life on NWP is easy. For others, we spend countless hours, days, weeks, months slowly but surely gaining trust by simply showing them that they are now safe, loved, and wanted. This is our mission.
When it is their time to cross over we are at their side showing them that same unconditional love and respect as the day they arrived on the farm.
(And yes, we do give them a resting place on our beautiful farm grounds.)
Once these animals come to us, they never leave; Our farm is a sanctuary. We do not adopt out , sell, nor place our animals. You can trust that their forever home here is filled with love, respect and lots of treats!
We are proud to announce that in May of 2022, we officially became a recognized 501c3 nonprofit organization

Meet the Owners
We are Leigh and Kimberly Goodwin and we own Northwest Pines Farm Animal Sanctuary in Chesapeake, VA.
We have devoted our lives to making a difference in farm animals that have lost their home or become unwanted by their families.
We say we can not save them all, but if we can make a difference in just one animals life, then we have helped that one animal. In turn the animals we adopt learn what love is and they then get the opportunity to show love back to those who visit our farm. It is an amazing journey of healing for both animals and people that we get to be a part of as we witness the transformation of unsure and scared to confident and loved. Each and every animal on our farm are our heartbeats.
We open our farm to private groups of people within our community that need us and these animals, the most. If you have questions regarding visiting the farm please be sure to reach out through our Contact Us page or Facebook.